Introducing the newest collection !

And a little back story behind the business!

Hello hello!

You may or may not know this but 3 years ago I started making jewelry inspired by important milestones and activities in my life. 

It began with finding community in a dance studio that became my home away from home. There I learned to connect with my body in a way I had never experienced before, alongside other magical humans on their own dance and movement journey.  

The act of dance and connecting with others became an integral part of a healing journey I was in the thick of. This led to finally learning how to grieve my father several years after his death and discovering the ways unprocessed grief sticks in our bodies. I was rehabilitating  my strength and mobility after a series of back injuries prohibited me from being the active and artistic person I had always been. (insider tip: grief, disconnecting from your creative practice, and somatic injuries are all interwoven - but that's a deep dive blog for another day) 

I was discovering new ways to move my body and fall in love with it again (I.e. no longer feeling constantly betrayed by a body that went from very active and adventurous to weak and fragile in a very rapid turn of events [and I’m not even talking about the extreme eczema I had developed! Insert: “deep dive blog for another day #2: Did the Dance of the Leopard cure the Leopard Spotted Skin?”]) in unison with other folks of different body shapes, abilities, ages, desires, colors. 

It was time to celebrate the body!

And thus the beginning of my jewelry line was born, celebrating the feminine figure through a collection of designs that was enthusiastically embraced by my new community. 

Through that dance circle I began to feel inspiration and creativity again. I started to feel direction as an artist after feeling quite untethered post grad school (insert “deep dive blog for another day #3: Does Grad School Dry up the Creative Juices?

I met several entrepreneurs that helped spark the life of developing my own business as an artist.  I learned how to build my own website, began selling my jewelry online and learned what it's like to brand myself on social media. Of course all while being a full time art teacher.  I do love teaching; however, it’s not for the faint of heart and it’s a struggle to not pour the last of my creative juices into all the little artists and still have creative fodder for my own practice (yup, another deep dive blog for another day #4: I don’t have a clever title yet but believe me there’s a lot to unpack!) 

Eventually my dance circles brought me to the world of entrepreneurship, where I connected with other creatives (photographers, filmmakers, tarot readers, singers..). This ultimately led me to a DIY community of women on instagram. MY JAW DROPPED. 

How had I been an avid user of instagram for years and never met other women using power tools, doing home repairs and renovations?  I had long felt alone as a woman who not only can use tools, enjoys using tools, but also owns a shit ton of tools too! 

So what did I do? I made some earrings celebrating TOOLS! And they have sold like hot cakes at DIY conferences and online. 

Another milestone I forgot to mention in between all this was when I discovered my love for roller skating and spent much of the pandemic learning how to dance on skates while indoor dance studios were moved  to Zoom.  So yup, you guessed it! I made roller skate earrings too! 

Well this year I designed a new collection of Jewelry that came from a very different form of inspiration– Anger. Frustration. Outrage. Fear. 

The Supreme Court of the US overturned Roe Vs. Wade and millions of people across our country lost protection of their reproductive rights. A devastating ruling that severely impacted the health and livelihood of countless people and will continue to have ramifications on communities for generations to come.  

Introducing the limited collection of Reproductive Rights Jewelry.

15% of all sales from this collection will go towards the fight for reproductive freedom. 

Your support, by either by purchasing a set of earrings, necklace, ornament, or sharing this post with your community will not only help my small business but also help to protect the rights of body autonomy. 


Your always ready for a theme artist, Sofia

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Sofia Sharpe

I am an Artist, Art Teacher, and DIY enthusiast for home renovations, fix it projects, and gardening.

It's only been 4 years, or it's already been 4 years?